The December calendar is ready for printing. Remember, it's a short month, so tuition is $50.
Your child will be bringing home a Christmas Program CD this week. Please put it in the cd player as much as you can for the next 3 weeks so that your child can practice practice practice for our program.
**I am in need of empty toilet paper or paper towel tubes for an art project the week of the 7th. If you've got an empty roll lying around, please send it to school this week!!**
Here are some of this month's highlights:
- Our Christmas parties will be on Wednesday, December 16 and Friday, December 18 for Tuesday/ Thursday class. The children will draw names at school for their "secret friend". They should bring a new, wrapped gift, valued at about $2 for a gift exchange that day. Please attach a To/From note or tag so that we know who to thank. Look for a note with the secret friend's name on it, on December 7 or 8, depending upon class day.
- Thursday, December 17 is our field trip/ program for all classes. We will be performing for Legacy Senior Center located at 6302 S. Gold Medal Dr. (just east of Bangerter Highway). The children should wear their holiday best for this occasion. We will meet at the center at about 10:50 so that we can get in our places and begin on time. The program will last until about 11:30. Please note that the main purpose of the program is to provide a fun activity for the people who reside there, so parents should sit to the back of the room allowing the residents the "best seats in the house".
- Arianna will celebrate her birthday this month. Happy birthday Arianna!
- No School from December 21- January 3
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