
May calendar is coming...soon

The May calendar is ALMOST ready to print. I need to get a couple of things finalized before it's ready. Hopefully, everything will be set by the end of the day today. Thanks for your patience.

Also, I sent a note home or an email (depending on your child's class) explaining our What's in the box? Guess and then tell Show and tell. Whew- that's a long name!! Anyway, just in case you didn't check your email or the note got lost, here's what we're doing: (you may wish to print out the note if for some reason you didn't get it)The secret show and tell does not have to begin with the letter "x" and the word doesn't need to contain the letter "x". We will be focusing on the BOX itself. You could include ANYTHING inside the box. A favorite toy, a favorite snack, picture of something you like to do, something you think is funny or gross or something you don't like at all...ANYTHING!!!! Remember, the item does not need to have anything to do with the letter x.