Just wanted to welcome everyone back to school. The first day went great!
I have extended the book order due date to Tuesday, September 14. Our class activation code is GPBBQ. There are 3 books for $1 each: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Courdory, and David Goes to School (Chicka Chicka and David goes to school are among the favorites of my preschoolers!) To order, go to www.scholastic.com/bookclubs . Our class activation code: GPBBQ. (no period)
This week, we're starting the alphabet. The kids will be bringing home a letter Aa booklet on Monday and Tuesday. Similar booklets will be coming home each Monday and Tuesday throughout this school year. I recommend saving the booklets so your child can look at them and refer to them as the year goes on.
Also, my phone line has been damaged somehow. I have opened a repair ticket and it should be up and running by Monday evening. If you need to contact me, please call my cell phone.
Looking forward to a great year!
Ms. B :)
Welcome Back!
Posted by Brandi at Sunday, September 12, 2010 0 comments
Quick update
I wanted to quickly share a couple dates with you so you can mark your calendars.
Preschool Meet and Greet is September 1 and 2 depending on your child's class day (an invitation will be arriving soon with more details)
First day of school is September 8 and 9. The only thing your child needs to start school is a full sized backpack.
I have also updated the calendar for the year so you can note days off and things like that. Please do not print yet, as I'm still making adjustments.
Posted by Brandi at Monday, August 09, 2010 0 comments
I think we can head to the park today for the picnic. It's cool out, but not cold. Just bring a jacket and prepare to run around with your kids (that will keep us warm!)
See you in a bit!
Posted by Brandi at Friday, May 21, 2010 0 comments
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up:
As you know, our picnic is scheduled for tomorrow at 11:30. If the weather is chilly and windy like it is today, we will do McDonald's instead of the park. So, if you go outside tomorrow and it's chilly, head to the golden arches. If the weather is nice and warm, we'll go to the park.
If you have any questions, feel free to call or text me.
Posted by Brandi at Thursday, May 20, 2010 0 comments
One thing you won't have to remember
The kids will not need their backpacks any more this year. All the papers and projects we are doing for the remainder of our classes, will stay at school.
But DO remember:
Picnic is May 21 at 11:30
Graduation is May 25 at 11:30 (Monday/ Wednesday classes
1:00 for Tuesday/ Thursday kids
Posted by Brandi at Wednesday, May 12, 2010 0 comments
Print Your May Calendar
OK- the May calendar is FINALLY ready to print. Thanks for your patience on that!
There is so much going on in may. Please print out BOTH the calendar and this post so that you can have all the details about each event, right at your finger tips.
- The first thing on our list is the What's in the Box? Guess and then tell- show and tell. You should have received an email or a hot pink note in your child's backpack about this fun activity. If for some reason you did not, please refer to this post for more information. We're doing this MONDAY AND TUESDAY of THIS WEEK!!! To clarify, that's May 3 and 4. This is our LAST show and tell for the year.
Second: We have a picnic on Friday, May 21 at Hunter Park*. Hunter park is located at 3500 S. 6000 W. We will meet at 11:30 on the West side by the playground. Bring a lunch for you and your little one, a blanket or chair to sit on, sunscreen, and camera. I will provide a treat for the kids after their lunch. - *In case of bad weather, we will meet at McDonald's on 8400 W. and 3500 S. Unfortunately, I will not be able to provide a treat if we have to go there and you will need to purchase a lunch from McDonald's; as they do not allow outside food or drink. (so keep your fingers crossed for good weather!)
- Third: Your child brought home a CD a few weeks ago with songs that we will be singing for our end of year program. Please play that every chance you get so that your child will be ready for our performance!
- Speaking of performance, the Fourth item on the agenda: Our end of year program is on Tuesday, May 25 at Hunter Library. Hunter Library is located at 4740 W. 4100 S. The Monday / Wednesday classes will perform at 11:30 (both am and pm). The Tuesday / Thursday class will perform at 1:00. Please be prepared to stand and give a very short (30 sec-1 min) I'm so proud of_____ because speech. Be sure to include how much they've learned and grown through the year.
- Fifth: We're celebrating May AND summer birthdays this month. Mylee, Hilary, Jackson, Kody, Ainzleigh, Dominic and Kade- all turn 4!!! Kyle and Ellie turn 5!!! Happy Happy birthday guys!
- Lastly: Open enrollment has begun for preschool next year. Word of mouth is the GREATEST compliment you can give!
Posted by Brandi at Sunday, May 02, 2010 0 comments
May calendar is coming...soon
The May calendar is ALMOST ready to print. I need to get a couple of things finalized before it's ready. Hopefully, everything will be set by the end of the day today. Thanks for your patience.
Also, I sent a note home or an email (depending on your child's class) explaining our What's in the box? Guess and then tell Show and tell. Whew- that's a long name!! Anyway, just in case you didn't check your email or the note got lost, here's what we're doing: (you may wish to print out the note if for some reason you didn't get it)The secret show and tell does not have to begin with the letter "x" and the word doesn't need to contain the letter "x". We will be focusing on the BOX itself. You could include ANYTHING inside the box. A favorite toy, a favorite snack, picture of something you like to do, something you think is funny or gross or something you don't like at all...ANYTHING!!!! Remember, the item does not need to have anything to do with the letter x.
Posted by Brandi at Friday, April 30, 2010 0 comments
Picture Day Reminder and slight change of plans
Next week, on Wednesday and Thursday, it's picture day! We are going to have our picture taken during the regular school day, but there has been a slight change in plans. Rather than taking the pictures in my home, we will be walking over to the town home club house with a much larger area for picture-taking. It's a short distance to the west of my home, with sidewalks or paved trails the whole way. Also, each class will have a parent helper to make sure we all get there safe and sound.
*You may want to bring a water bottle with your child's name on it just in case he/she gets thirsty.
*Package prices will be coming home in backpacks on Wednesday and Thursday.
*I will have a sample individual portrait on my door for you to look at.
Picture day helpers are:
M/W am Kade's mom
M/W pm Arianna's mom
T/Th Soda's mom
Posted by Brandi at Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Program CDs
By the end of class Monday, your child should have received a CD with all of the songs we will be performing at our end of year program on Tuesday May 25 (click the date on the calendar for more details). There are even a few "bonus tracks" for learning the alphabet, shapes and writing numbers. We have sung the majority of these songs throughout the school year, but there are a couple of new ones in there too.
Please play this CD like crazy! Put it on your mp3 player, play it in the car. Do you have an old portable CD player with headphones? Put it in there and let your little one listen to it.
If for some reason your child didn't get one or you have a faulty one, let me know. I can easily make you another.Thanks so much!!
Posted by Brandi at Sunday, April 18, 2010
Movie Star Day and Helpers
MOVIE STAR DAY IS THIS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. Kids can dress up like a movie star if they wish. This is also the day I'll be making our movie for graduation. Please make sure your child is here. I want everyone in our movie!
Here's what I have down for helpers
Movie Star Day parents (this Wednesday and Thursday) are
M/W am= Riley's mom
M/W pm = Stone's mom
T/Th = Grace's mom
Picture Day parents (next Wednesday and Thursday the 28 & 29)
M/W am= Kade's mom
M/W pm=_______________
T/TH= Soda's mom
*I'm going to be doing both things at the beginning of class, and I just need you for as long as it takes. Hopefully it won't be more than an hour, but you never know.
Thanks so much to all of my parents. You guys are amazing!!
Posted by Brandi at Sunday, April 18, 2010 0 comments
Helpers (edited)
I'm looking for a helper in each of the classes on April 28th and 29th (school picture day). The helper will just supervise the kids while they are either watching a movie or having free time. Please either leave a comment, call me, or drop me an email if you can help.
P.S. If you have a little one that you need to bring, that's just fine.
Posted by Brandi at Thursday, April 15, 2010 1 comments
April Calendar is ready for printing
- April 21 and 22 is movie star day. The kids can come to school dressed up like a movie star if they would like to. (fancy dresses, feather boas, high heels, top hats, bow ties, sunglasses, super man capes, etc) I will need a mommy (or daddy or grandparent) helper on this day in each class. (this is the day I film the kids for our preschool video, so please please please make sure your child is at school this day)
- April 23 book orders are due. This will be the last book order of the regular school year. If you would like to place an order, go to www.scholastic.com/parentordering
username is writestartpreschool
password is mrsbarnett
This month, I recommend Mars Needs Moms! #53 in SeeSaw April
- April 28 and 29 is school picture day. Based on the poll on this site a couple of weeks ago, the majority of you would like group style pictures, so that's what we'll do! The pictures will be taken inside, during preschool, against a BLACK backdrop. Bright colors always look best in photos. It is recommended that you do not put your child in black. (with the black background, it may look like a floating head :) ) You will have the option to purchase an individual photo of your child or a class picture OR a combination of both.
- We will celebrate Kanamu's birthday this month. He will be 5! Happy birthday!!
- I will be sending a note home in the backpacks this week about Summer Camp. The first day of summer classes will be Monday, June 7. Tuition is $60. There are no additional registration or start up costs.
Heads up for next month:
- The theme for next month is "Wrapping it up"
- May 3 &4 is our Mystery Box show and tell. It's also the LAST show and tell of the year.
- May 24 is the picnic at Hunter Park
- May 25 is the end of year program at Hunter Library
- (you can find out more details about each of these "events" by clicking on the highlighted box of that day and then clicking to view details.)
- In May, we will celebrate all summer birthdays. Please check the calendar to see which date we will celebrate your little one's birthday.
Posted by Brandi at Saturday, April 10, 2010 0 comments
Feedback Needed
I've added a couple more polls to the blog this evening.
Thank you for "voting".
Posted by Brandi at Wednesday, March 24, 2010 0 comments
Yearbook or Group Style
This is the yearbook style picture:
The nice thing about this style of photo is that everyone gets a perfect photo.
Posted by Brandi at Wednesday, March 24, 2010 0 comments
I have added four polls on here today. Please take a moment to click on the answer that best describes the way you feel about the topic.
Thanks! Your feedback will help me in planning for both the remainder of this year and next year as well.
Posted by Brandi at Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2 comments
- Next week is our field trip on Wednesday, March 31. Please sign up for 10:00 or 11:30.
- Spring break begins on Thursday, April 1. We will return to school on Monday and Tuesday April 12 and 13.
- Also, remember that tuition is due on April 1. In order to avoid late fees, your tuition must reach me BY April 5. We are not in school those days. You are welcome to write a check now with a post date for some time between the 1st and 5th day if you would like.
Posted by Brandi at Wednesday, March 24, 2010 0 comments
Good Deal!
Last night I went to Costco (West Valley) and they had the Leap Frog Letter Factory DVD for 6.89! That is such a good deal!! In addition to the letter Factory, they also had a "Let's Go to School" and "Math Adventure to the Moon". (I have not watched the second two movies, but I did pick those up for $6.89 as well)
Posted by Brandi at Tuesday, March 02, 2010 0 comments
March calendar
Here are the highlights of the month:
Posted by Brandi at Friday, February 26, 2010 0 comments
You can become a "friend" of Write Start Preschool on facebook.
Helpful tip: if you do ask to be our friend, you can also sign up for text notifications, this way, you will have updated status' of anything important you need to know for preschool.
Posted by Brandi at Friday, February 26, 2010 0 comments
Posted by Brandi at Tuesday, February 23, 2010 1 comments
Current Student and Sibling Enrollment
Current Student and sibling enrollment has begun. Returning students who enroll before March 5 will have a discounted registration fee of $20. On March 5, the fee goes back to $30, and I will begin open enrollment.
Wednesday-Friday I will be sending home the registration forms in an envelope in your child's backpack. If for some reason you do not receive yours, please let me know. I would be happy to give you another.
Posted by Brandi at Wednesday, February 17, 2010 0 comments
Thursday and Friday
Friday, the Monday Wednesday morning class will have their make up for Monday.
Posted by Brandi at Tuesday, February 16, 2010 0 comments
Important note
Look in backpacks for an important note coming home Tuesday and Wednesday.
Posted by Brandi at Monday, February 15, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday/ Thursday class
This post is applicable only to the Tuesday Thursday class.
We are getting a new student! Peyton will be joining our class on Thursday. He is a very nice boy. I'm sure he will fit in perfectly with this class.
The new number of snacks and valentines needed for this class is 11.
Posted by Brandi at Friday, January 29, 2010 0 comments
February calendar

Posted by Brandi at Tuesday, January 26, 2010 0 comments
***UPDATED*** January Calendar
- There's a field trip happening on Jan. 14 for all classes. Big Daddy's Pizza. Click calendar for more details.
- No school on Monday Jan 18 ~ MLK
- Jan 19 and 20 is bring-your-teddy bear-to-school day. Kids will bring a teddy bear for us to do some fun math with!
- Jan 22 is make up day for the snow day we had back in December (Tues /Thurs classes)
- This month, we will be celebrating two birthdays. Caleb and Aiden (both turn 5 this month!)
Posted by Brandi at Monday, January 11, 2010 0 comments
REAL make up day
Our real make up day for the Tues Thurs class will be January 22 during our regular time.
Posted by Brandi at Monday, January 11, 2010 0 comments
Field trip next week
We have a fun field coming up on Thursday, January 14 for all classes!
We will meet at Big Daddy's Pizza (4950 W. 6200 S.) at 11:15
***This field trip is FREE, however, it would be very nice if each parent brought $1 -$2 to leave for a tip.
If you have any questions, please call or email me.
Posted by Brandi at Friday, January 08, 2010 0 comments